Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Go ahead, Quote Me!

I just wrote this in an email. I'm very proud of the wording. Its too much work to go into the history, but I'll post it anyway. The rest of you enginerds can cut and paste it in your next rant to a co-worker.

I have a concern that without proper data analysis the full benefits of the process may not be realized.


Unknown said...

ohh baby! i gotta work that into my disseration somehow. how about, "our work is bogus because my advisor selectively changes the colors in our pictures to match what she wants. i have a concern that without proper data analysis the full benefits of the process may not be realized." what do you think?

KAN said...

Hilarious. Thanks for the laugh :)

forkev said...

I think this is a brilliant bit of insight.
Here's how it works.
1 - stuff this idea into the end of your conclusions. Get them to accept the idea, yet not necessiarly your conclusion.
2 - IF their conclsuion differs from you, whip this baby out and pummel them over the head with the full meaning of the idea:
2a - IF you came to a conclusion different then mine, then your data analyssis was NOT proper. please upgrade data analysis to 1.1 so you may realize the full benefits as I have.