Wednesday, October 26, 2005


A friend at work got rear-ended on the way home last night. I was driving home and was coming up on what appeared to be someone waiving over traffic because a car was getting a tire changed, but when I passed I saw it was my friend that had been hit by another guy at work. that makes for a real awkward situation. everyone was ok, and the saturn is stil drivable, but the ford ranger that did the hitting seemed almost perfect. a little tweek on the front bumper resulted in a completly caved in trunk on the saturn. So... those of you with saturns (*caugh* DAN/Sarah) when a ford ranger is coming up quick in the rear view, move over.


Daniel said...

Did you not hear??? Sarah got hit last summer going out of the sub division by a ford ranger. Just tweaked the bummper, hood, and front fender. Total cost to their insurance... almost $4,000. Can't tell though the body shop did an excellent job.

k2h said...

now that you mention it I do vaguely remember... how interesting. rangers and saturns don't mix.

Daniel said...

The moral of the story is don't hit a plastic car, they are expensive to fix (and if you own one, keep it insured 'cause you don't want to pay to fix it if you crash it).

forkev said...

my subaru as metal (flimsly metal) but i pay for it in mpg.