Thursday, June 29, 2006

troubled employees

My direct reports are extremely troubled. my office door is always open, mainly because I live in a cubicle and don't have one. I was lending an ear for about 6 hours straight today, and finally got to lunch at 3pm. I kid you not.

notes for next weeks staff meeting

handy google search annoying coworkers
usatoday bannanas


Unknown said...

wow! google has the answer for everything! there must be a nice way to interupt the flow of chat and woe. like..excuse me..have to pee and then get sidetracked on the way back at starbucks...need a refill for the next time.

k2h said...

just to keep you all informed, professional counselors have been contracted to to smooth the feathers in the ranks. how exciting. HR (human resources) conned me into naming who was on which side of the battle and without telling me, used the information to setup counseling. ROCK ON HR, I LOVE YOU. I have to keep saying to that to myself. each and every day.........